Transforming Lives One Pain At a Time

Transforming Lives One Pain At a Time

Transforming Lives One Pain At a Time

Transforming Lives One Pain At a Time

Transforming Lives One Pain At a Time

To inquire about Pilates call: Ula at: 941-416-3939 Due to limited space please call ahead of time for availability.

Pilates is a physical fitness system that was developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. Pilates was formed during the First World War with the intension to improve the rehabilitation program to aid wounded soldiers in regaining their strength. Joseph Pilates believed that mental and physical health were essential to one another, creating what is a method of total body conditioning. Pilates uses correct body alignment, centering, concentration, control, precision, breathing and following movement to establish a perfect working body from inside out. Because of its core focus, Pilates is popular not only in the field of fitness but also in rehabilitation. The core is the area between shoulders and pelvis excluding arms and legs. Pilates is not the type of work out where you leave feeling tired. Instead you will leave with increased energy levels, a clear focused mindset and body that feels strong and in control.

Standing Pilates

Standing Pilates adapts many of the classic Pilates mat work exercises to take them into the vertical plane. The goal of this type of workout like the one done on the mat is to strengthen your core muscles. It also teaches the body/mind to re-pattern movement habits toward better alignment and efficiency. The muscles of the pelvic floor play a key role in maintaining balance, so anyone that needs to strengthen and stabilize that area (basically all of us) will benefit from standing Pilates. People who have difficulty getting up and down from the floor may find this type of work out more favorable.

standing Pilates
mat Pilates

Mat Pilates

The most efficient and effective core strengthening work-out for low back, belly and legs. Builds muscle tone, lengthens spine, increases body awareness and flexibility. You can expect overall slimming in just a short period of time.

Pilates Schedule

9:00-9:45 AM
Standing Pilates
(balance program)
9:00-9:45 AM
Standing Pilates
(balance program)
9:00-9:45 AM
Standing Pilates
(balance program)

Whether you are a part time or a full time Venice resident, you are welcomed to visit our Fitness Studio and join Pilates classes.

We charge no initiation or membership fees


45 min. sessions

  • Drop in - $20
  • Package of 5 - $75
  • Package of 8 - $104
  • Package of 10 - $120

Prices and schedule subject to change without notice